Forced Birth is Losing Because Voters do not Trust Them
It is refreshing and informative to review the Ohio vote that legalized abortion there. The forced birth operatives are claiming they lost because the abortion rights side had more money. They claim voters were given incorrect information. The real reason they lost began long before the measure was put on the ballot. Forced birth could have had twice the money and it still would have lost. It would have lost because voters no longer like those in charge of forced birth.
The measure was decided when a 10 year old girl was raped and could not get an abortion in Ohio. A majority of the public saw this as barbaric. This would have been the perfect moment for forced birth operatives to support her abortion and act in ways that seem normal to the general public.
Instead, they began blaming doctors by saying it was the doctor's fault. If he had just been willing to break the law and give her an abortion he would not have been prosecuted. That may be true, or, it may not be true. Better would have been a law which gave doctors clear permission and for priests and conservative preachers to give their own enthusiastic endorsement. Instead, the doctor in Indiana who gave the abortion was harassed and condemned.
Instead of being beaten by more money and an unfair campaign, forced birth beat itself. Norms of kindness and reasonableness were tossed out the window in favor of power over the weak. When it should have shown sympathy for the plight of a raped 10 year old it show contempt, "How dare she want to kill a baby." I suppose some would also say, as they often do, that she was pregnant was her fault. She should have know a family member would rape her.
Will forced birth recover its credibility? I don't see behavior after the defeat that looks any different than that before the defeat. Many call forced birth behavior not unlike a cult. People in cults have little ability to see the world in a rational and truthful way.
If I were a betting person, I would bet on more losses for forced birth.
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