For Centuries, Clergy and Pope Were Married. Bishops Want That to Return
Pope Francis has issued warnings that democracy is in danger. The U.S. Bishops recently issued a Catholic voter guide. Their pet issues were endorsed. They did not mention the word democracy. U.S. Bishops do not share their Pope's concern for the future of democracy.
There is good reason for this. When kings and Popes shared the thrones of power they helped each other. It is in the economic interests of clergy to bypass democracy. The Pope sees the danger, U.S. Bishops do not.
We are seeing an interesting version of that in Germany where politics are more liberal. The political sphere endorses gay marriage. The government collects a voluntary tax that is turned over to churches, especially the German Catholic Church. Not surprisingly, the German Catholic Church does not clammer against gay marriage. It knows where its money comes from.
The behavior of U.S, Bishops suggests they want a form of government where voters are not important. Since they feel they know "the truth" better than anyone it would be good for the public to be instructed by them instead of the uninformed public doing whatever it wants. There are conservative Protestant groups, the Southern Baptist Convention, that thinks in this strange way as well.
Sometimes I wonder if Christianity in total will ever come to realize that becoming entangled with government and politicians works to its long term disadvantage. Or, is rubbing shoulders with power so intoxicating they cannot leave it alone.
Thankfully, a few branches of the faith leave politics alone. Conservative branches, like the Catholics could learn from them.
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