Christian Colleges Increase Support of Abortion Rights
Although what is meant by "support" for abortion rights is not always clear, a Christian group claims their enemy, abortion rights, is gaining ground. The colleges showing the most increased tolerance for abortion were Methodist and Presbyterian. But some Catholic universities were included as abortion rights advocates as well.
Here is what was studied, The study defined "infractions" as actions by university officials that supported abortion, including internship opportunities with Planned Parenthood, publicizing abortion vendors as a health resource and hosting Planned Parenthood events.
Many years ago I was listening to the radio in my car when I heard something that surprised me. It was a religious station and the program was interviewing representatives of conservative Christian colleges. There were maybe six college officials. The question was, "What do you do with an unmarried female student who is found to be pregnant. One by one each of colleges said they dismiss the student and call her parents to come and get her immediately.
The last college rep, however, said his institution believed in redeeming the souls of sinners and the pregnant sinner was accommodated in whatever way seemed best for her. Especially, the college wanted her to give birth and worked to accommodate that. It is inevitable, he said, most would get abortions otherwise. The other college reps were astounded.
This was a couple of decades ago and I'm sure those colleges are more concerned now than ever to keep student numbers and revenue up. There are more women enrolled in college today than men. Just as nearly all Christian colleges now have gay student groups in order to conform to student demands it is understandable colleges would accommodate in one way or another women's rights to abortions.
While many donors to Christian colleges no doubt will complain about accommodating abortion rights and gay rights the colleges must in the end attract and retain students.
Small colleges of all stripes are closing these days. The old-time religion must change.
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