Can Republicans Rebrand to Advocate Birth Control

Kellyanne Conway, who was President Trump's spokesperson for some years, now runs a political consulting firm. She claims to have polling data showing Republicans, including Trump, would do better against Biden and Democrats by simply saying they are the Party who is the woman's friend. Supporting birth control with federal money is the key to a successful Republican future, Conway says. She is making the rounds in DC this week talking to Republican leaders.

I don't see how talking to Republicans in the Capital will change things much. Lots of the support for forced birth is based on control of women. If women can control their pregnancies with birth control this group loses. Why would they support a losing idea?

As anyone who has followed politics knows, many members of the U.S. House are there because of redistricting. The larger the Republican majority in any particular House District the less candidates need to appeal to independents. This led to more and more conservative candidates and they were elected. Today, I would guess a majority of Republican House members are in the "let's control the women" political cult. They would view giving women federal money for birth control as being close to giving women federal money for abortion. They will scoff at Kellyanne's sinful proposal. They are unable to count votes at the national level. 

The only thing that will make the Republican Party a competitive entity is the passage of time. Cult members of Forced Birth politics need to die or retire and be replaced with new Republicans who can count votes. 

Things would improve faster for Republicans if states across the nation would no long allow the party in power to draw the congressional boundaries. If districts were drawn to be competitive instead of not competitive between the two parties, each party would have to hustle to win. Extreme candidates would lose. The rights of both men and women would need to be addressed by candidates from both parties.

All this said, change in the Republican Party needs to start somewhere. Conway is starting somewhere and she is good for all citizens, Republican or Democrat.


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