Abortion: A Punish-the-Woman Man Elected in Oklahoma
The term "abortion abolitionist" is not widely used. It will be better known, I think, in time. A Republican who calls himself and abortion abolitionist has just been elected to the U. S. House.
An abortion abolitionist believes totally abortion is murder. This being the case, everyone involved in the murder must be prosecuted, convicted and sentenced accordingly. The woman is most responsible for the abortion, so she is first in line for arrest and conviction for murder.
I discussed the prosecution of women and conviction for murder a lot here a few years ago. It is simply the logical outcome of the strange notion killing a fetus is murder. It cannot be murder unless the woman who made the decision to kill is sentenced to prison or even death herself. The forced birth establishment at that time scoffed at what I wrote saying the traditional "pro-life" view was the woman was not responsible. All blame was on the abortion clinic. This establishment's way of handling blame was to avoid the political consequences of facing the truth. The truth is women, not clinics, decide to have abortions.
Abortion abolitionists have been emerging since the repeal of Roe. Even Trump had to admit women needed some of the blame for their abortions. The old establishment technique of hiding the responsibility of women for abortion under a barrel is no longer available. I looked at the site, "Priests for Life" which is led by the shady defrocked priest, Frank Pavone. I could find no mention of punishment, or no punishment, of women. Pavone is trying to ride the fence on this issue. I could see him being left behind as the declining size of forced birth supporters circles the wagons and becomes more strident. Pavone may be seen as too liberal because he fails to advocate punishment of the guilty, women.
In a piece that appeared recently, a woman who is a politician wrote, "The goal of the pro-life movement is to save the lives of as many babies as possible. The more we move the allowable abortion date back the more lives we save." She was referring, of course, to moving the allowable date from say 20 weeks to 12 weeks, etc. This woman, however, is not part of the abortion abolitionist group. This latter group has no interest whatsoever in 12, 15 or 20 weeks. To them, all of those dates allow murder. No abortions ever is the only "logical" law.
The finger pointing and fist shaking between factions of forced birth are underway. Let the fun begin.
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