The Religious Legal Case for Abortion Rights is Coming
So many in the religious community have dim lights it must be tough after dark. One group that must stumble into things after sunset are conservative religious state legislators. One in Missouri said he sponsored a bill outlawing abortion because, "My religion finds a human being is born at the moment of conception." He made this statement arguing to pass the bill. It passed. The reason given for the bill was religious. Just what is needed to get it overturned.
Now another group of religious people, clergy included, have passed the fire walls for getting into Federal Court. They argue just the opposite, that their religion teaches life begins at birth. If one religious argument is allowed, why not a thousand others. The latter argument for abortion rights is based on religion. I've been in Federal Court at least two times in my life and know there are technical twists and turns that can take place. On the simple level I don't understand how one religious view can be allowed to take rights away from others while those harmed cannot be heard.
The latter group argues that their religion, Jewish, teaches human life begins at birth. This throws a rock in the path of agreement on the basis of "Judeo-Christian values." There are none. Whenever someone on this blog or its comments says life begins at birth there are sneers and catcalls in the comments. Religious freedom? For some but not for others.
It is so hard for some in the religious community to recognize that the concept of "life begins at conception" is religious propaganda, not fact. There is no scientific basis for this view. On top of that, it is not workable. Abortions continue whether there are laws against abortion or not.
When all is said and done, it is unfortunate anyone on either side uses a religious argument for when a human life begins. There is no compelling reason for religion to come up. Once it is used by one side, however, it has to be used by the other.
When it comes to dim lights in "pro choice," the recent meeting of the U.S. Bishops comes to mind. They have never understood their use of religion can easily be used against them. Brighter minds would have seen this coming.
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