Pro Life Means Earlier Death
What is the importance of " a life" or "one life?" Statistically, the average length of life indicates the attention paid to individuals' health. Increasing the health of individuals extends their average age. If everyone who claims to be "prolife," especially politicians, we would see more people using the health care profession and following what it advises. The U.S. ranks low in life longevity. At least some resources that should go to extend average life statistics goes to fighting abortion.
We can start with health care related to pregnancies. The care of pregnant women in the U.S. is a sorry story. Politicians are far more interested in fetuses than the women who carry them. Forcing women to give birth raises the probability of death to the woman.
Two economists recently published a book about the U.S. healthcare system. They pointed out there currently is enough money spent in the system to pay for free "entry level" care for every citizen. People already receive "free care" by showing up in emergency rooms with no money or health insurance. Hospitals are required by law to care for them, even if the hospital is not paid. The only way to pay for this service is to raise the price of care from those who have insurance or pay by other means. By making some elementary level of care free many expensive cases will be caught early and resolved with minimal cost. Countries around the world do not charge for this low-level care and have a.) better outcomes with longer lives and b.) lower costs nationwide.
If "prolife" activists were really interested in saving lives they would be outspoken advocates of taxpayer supported medical care without charge to all citizens. This would include illegal non citizens. They are part of today's medical system.
Data and experience have proven beyond any doubt the "prolife" political operation has little to no interest in saving lives. Their interest is in controlling women. The medical system endorsed by prolife is one that ends people's lives early.
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