Mike Johnson, the Scripture Cherry-Picking House Speaker
One of the easiest tasks in the world is to be a scripture-quoting Republican politician. He/She can find something somewhere in the Bible to justify whatever whacko idea she has found that gets votes. The new House Speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson
Johnson wanted the public to think he was the God-annointed Speaker. He quoted from an isolated sentence in the Bible attributed to Paul. It says leaders (like Johnson) are raised up by God for their offices. I didn't hear him say God picked Obama and Biden. Maybe that was just an accidental omission.
Right after Johnson said God had raised him up to be Speaker, he riffed on about too much government help to the public including the poor. Paul in the Bible advocated taking care of the poor--Johnson had not read past the "raising up" sentence.
Johnson has lots of friends in the shady business of Christianity. There is Liberty University who is being fined for over 30 million for deceptive advertising. It has pledged not to pay a penny of the fine. I guess if Christians cheat and steal, but pray and ask forgiveness, laws do not apply to them.
While I'm on a role, Mike Lindell, Mr. Pillow, lied about voting machines and lawsuits have taken his fortune. Like Speaker Johnson, he drops a lot of scripture in his press appearances. Trump is trying to quote it again after failing to do it properly a few years back. Maybe children should be taught, "If anyone quotes scripture to you, run."
My complaining will not change a thing. Part of the public will eat up a crook who quotes scripture, always have and always will. If a few of us see through it, that has to help.
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