Want an Abortion? Visit Chat Box Charley

In an effort to make access to abortions or to abortion meds easier a large new site has been launched. It is called "Charley." The site asks your Zip code and time since your last period then instantly sorts through the options available. It wants to make a woman's inquiry feel like she is talking to a friend. The site will protect the woman's privacy by asking no questions about her address or phone and pledges to keep all the information it does collect confidential. It is an electronic version of what went on prior to Roe. Back then, information circulated by whispers. The very successful "Jane" operation in Chicago had no computer but performed thousands of safe abortions for women at that time.

We can be certain forced-birth activists have already tried to jam the new site with fake inquires and tried to divert inquiries to their own sites where sermons can be delivered about the sin of abortion. There are, no doubt, knock off sites trying to imply they are supporting abortion rights then switching messages. In Fargo where I was its Mayor in the 1980's forced-birth places put ads in the Yellow Pages implying they actually performed abortions. Only after a court order did they stop this crooked practice. In the forced-birth circle, the end always, ALWAYS, justifies the means.  There is no standard of integrity or truthfulness. 

The brains of forced birth operatives and believers are so poisoned with the absurd notion one fertilized cell is a human being they cannot think strategically. Their thinking is, "It's so obvious killing the one cell is murder all we have to do is pass a law against it and there will be no more such murders." Abortion rights operatives, and women who are determined to get abortions, think strategically and come up with ways to circumvent whatever forced birthers put out there. From our early information, it appears the forced birth effort to eliminate abortion in some states mostly has been ineffective. Some observers believe the total number of abortions, medical and surgical, have risen a bit.

It was predicted here and in other places anti-abortion would eventually play out exactly like alcohol prohibition. The two have lots in common. A majority of the public wanted to buy alcohol and want access to abortions today. Both anti campaigns had religion at their base but tried to use secular justifications. Prohibitionists said alcohol would strengthen family life and stop job absenteeism. Forced birth proponents have made up "human" characteristics such as fingerprints and DNA. 

Simple and practical ways of making alcohol available quickly developed. People could find it through moonshine networks and in Catholic Church basements where "Communion wine" was sold. Now, the internet called "Charley" is doing the same thing with abortion.  


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