Trump Tells a Frothy Crowd: No Sex Changes in Children

There can be no doubt the Sin Leader Board in the Christian right is now topped with trans. Trump made that clear in a speech last night. Abortion doctors and women who get abortions has dropped to second place. Gay marriage no longer ranks high on the list of really terrible sins. While the Bible says believers are not to know the mind of God, right wing Christians disagree and are certain they know which sins God hates the most. Apparently, God changes his/her mind every few months because the Sin Leader Board list changes the ranking of various sins. 

Every week these days some Christian publishes his/her insight into why Christianity is shrinking. Never have I seen a Christian pundit address the ridiculous way sin is handled.

It starts in the Garden of Eden with God playing with people's heads. God plays with people several times in the Bible. A talking snake apparently heard from God that eating an apple is sin. Eve must have thought, "That doesn't make sense. There is nothing harmful about eating an apple. It can't be true eating an apple is sin. Anyway," Eve would have reasoned, "snakes don't talk." Eve did not understand the definition of sin was arbitrary then just as it is now. Today, abortion is sin, homosexuality is sin and divorced people remarrying without having the first marriage annulled by the Catholic Church is sin. Now Trump has figured out there is money to be made by declaring young people who find they need to transition genders are sinful. Perhaps as the campaign drags on, he will endorse the sister sin, men dressing in drag. These are things one learns by listening to those who know the mind of God.

There is a big sin waiting in the wings for the right time to move up the Sin Leader Board. That sin is masturbation. The sin of masturbation was featured in an article in The New Yorker, September 25, 2023. It was astounding to read that into the 1980's there was an institution in the U.S. that included deep Catholic roots and was obsessed with stopping adolescent girls from practicing masturbation. The girls were permanently or temporarily without homes so they ended up in the institution with this obsession. The institution is now closed but a professor who drove the obsession remained a faculty member in good standing at a Catholic university until she retired.

As Trump and various leaders in right-wing religion continue to play with the heads of vulnerable voters we can expect a lot of demonization of various issues surrounding sex. All the while they will endorse less government intrusion into the lives of taxpayers. Hypoccrisy is a cash cow. 


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