Catholic Poland is Becoming Another Ireland

The late Pope Benedict once used his Christmas Eve message, broadcast around the world, to condemn the sin of homosexuality. Poland's old line Catholic leaders have been in bed with an old-line political party for eight years constantly hammering against gay marriage and abortion. In elections just held, the church lost and parties with liberal platforms on gays and abortion won. One cannot predict precisely what will happen when a new government is formed and new laws passed, but it will be different. It will take a while, but perhaps the corrupt and divisive time of Benedict is coming to an end.

There are all kinds of explanations as to why the church, especially the Catholic church, is losing ground around the world. Everyone reading this will have his/her explanation. And there will be true believers who think a.) it is gaining in Africa and/or b.) it's just a temporary cycle all those who left will come back. 

The imagery of Christianity is largely that of somber old white men looking self-important. They are both clergy and politicians. The old Catholic men are wearing robes and funny hats. The secret ballot in democracies is an invitation to express an opinion of these men. Voters in Poland just did this. 

Today's Catholic clergy in counties like Poland and Ireland were born at a time when clergy were both church and political authorities. By virtue of the credentials issues by their church they were powerful men. The time when such men would have been required to grovel for church followers was hundreds of years ago. Now, they need to attract followers and make believers out of skeptics. This is all new. "How do we do this?" they must be asking.

Apparently, they answer that question themselves by reminding the public it is they who were given authority to run things. It is not surprising running things to benefit themselves seems like what God wants them to do. There is no better entertainment in the world than watching the self-appointed high and mighty fall. 

Ireland's Catholic Church and its insider politics certainly appears to be gone forever. The recent election is a signal Poland is going to see its Catholic influence disappear as well.



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