Can Catholic Clergy (or Evangelical) Ever say, "The pregnant woman has rights."
Sometimes I need to review, for my own old memory brain, what has taken place in abortion politics during the last many decades. Before the Roe ruling making abortion legal and since it was reversed the constant refrain from forced-birth operatives has been, "There is only one "human" involved in the abortion decision." That "human," of course, has always been the fetus.
A good portion of the public just shrugged about this opinion about the one human theory. Many who believed in abortion rights said more or less, "Yeah, well, whatever. The abortion thing has two parts. One is there are people who are bonkers against it. The other is it is available. So why get involved?"
Overruling Roe has an unexpected political consequence. Suddenly, another human being showed up. Women who might need an abortion or know those who might need one joined with men who support abortion rights and said loudly, "There is human being called the woman involved in a decision about abortion." This introduced a big problem for forced birthers. They began thinking, "Bringing up the fact the woman is a human being is not fair. We have no defense. Let's just keep pretending there is only one 'human being' and maybe these sinful liberals will forget about the real one."
The only right I've ever heard from a forced birther is that a pregnant woman has the right to a forced birth. Other than that, the woman is not relevant in the issue of a pregnancy. A woman who does not exist is pregnant.
In the last few days a strident forced birther politician from Arizona, Kari Lake, decided to change her mind about a national law outlawing all abortion. She made the politically practical decision to allow abortions. Her position, however, is another of those curious ones. She advocates a national law allowing abortions up to some weeks into the pregnancy. Now, it abortion is murdering a human being, how can it be OK up to 12 weeks, 15 weeks, or, whatever silly number forced-birthers put out this week?
Anti abortion is a form of cult. Some reasonable position of a pregnant woman's right is simply out of reach for those obsessed with the fetus.
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