The Story of a Recent Self Managed Abortion
In the 1970's, before Roe and when abortion was illegal in many states, there was the Jane group in Chicago. It provided thousands of abortions under the nose of law enforcement. A phone number was passed from doctor to doctor, preacher to preacher, health care, etc. The message was "call Jane." The phone was answered, "This is Jane." There was no "Jane" of course but the name and the unofficial organization thrived for several years. It was closed when Roe made abortions legal.
Probably several versions of Jane exist today in states that have heavy abortion restrictions. Most of the Janes, I assume, distribute pills for medical abortions. The link is about a woman in Ohio who acquired the medicine and self-administered her abortion. There have been cases of women being prosecuted for self-administrated abortion. Like the Jane group, women are learning how to navigate pill distribution and self-administered abortions under the noses of law enforcement without getting caught.
If this post Roe period is like the pre Roe time, when abortions were illegal in many states, law enforcement will not be consistent. Some zealous anti abortion sheriffs and police officers will spend their time focused on catching women having abortions. The majority, however, will see little point in this and will spend their time of more important law enforcement responsibilities. There have already been law enforcement leaders who have said they will not spend time on abortion. There have been prosecution officials who have said they will not file charges.
There are news stories everyday about ways women are bringing abortion medicines into states where it is illegal and distributing them underground. It's been known for a year stopping abortions is and will forever be impossible. Reducing the number, even a little, will be really difficult. States with state-wide voting on abortion rights have see abortion rights winning. Betting odd are that Democrats with their abortion rights platform will do surprisingly well next year.
The woman in the story who self-administered her abortion was not an unusual person. She felt no remorse or guilt. The phony narrative that abortion is dangerous and that women suffer guilt from abortion is simply not backed up with fact.
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