The Right to Life Albatross
Let's look at the institutions who have tied their futures to an idea only 17% of the public endorses: The Republican Presidency, entire Republican Party, Catholic Church, Southern Baptists, Lutheran Missouri Synod and several other Protestant denominations. Only 17% of the public believes abortion rights should be abolished. Any institution which holds this view can only count on this small percentage of the public for support. This explains why most Christian denominations are predicted to be about 80% smaller in a few decades than they are now. These institutions are in deep water, can't swim and have a weight permanently pulling them under.
I know that forced birth believers who read this blog cannot change their views for the good of their denomination. The religion notion that one fertilized egg "has a soul" and is a human being with all the rights there of has fogged their brains so badly there is no clear reasoning in site. It is impossible for them to help their branch of religion by abandoning religious views that cripple their group and will cause it to be 80% smaller in a generation or two. Anti abortion is truly an albatross holding back what otherwise might be a successful enterprise.
Since the Republican Party has come under the wing of some branches of Christianity, it too is being dragged underwater by the anti-abortion albatross. Try as some politicians try to do, even Trump, to put some distance between themselves and whacko views about abortion they are assigned the Party/Church label and must carry on accordingly.
There are only two ways to break free of the anti-abortion albatross. One is for voters in state referendums and state elections to dump anti-abortion. This process is under way.
The other is the demise of the branches of Christianity that are anti-abortion. This process, also, is underway and appears unstoppable. Both of these will eventually send anti-abortion to the bottom of the sea. Sailors used to call that place Davy Jones's Locker. It was a place sailors went and never returned.
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