In Most Ways, a Secular Country is Better Than a Religious One

 When the secularization of the U.S. and Europe is discussed some Christians immediately conclude we are headed to be a Russia. Sometimes they use Hitler. Hitler talked up Christianity and the Pope at the time never criticized him unless Catholic properties were harmed. The Pope was asked to condemn Hitler's treatment of the Jews but he never really did that. 

A secular country can be one which became secular by the choice of the public, not the choice of a dictator. There are several good examples. Japan is one. Scandanavian countries another. There are several characteristics of secular countries that make them better than religious ones.

Democracy was able to end slavery even though a big part of it justification was religion. Women have forged past the old suppression of the Bible to obtain voting and career rights. Women now play a big role in political life.

Our country is better off because democracy has brought in participation of different genders, races and cultures. The ideas and energy brought by these groups has raised our standard of living and help ward off competing governments. Women in the military now add fire power and smarts to our defense that was not there previously.

The peculiar thing to me is that some conservative religious people complain when secular people want to keep religion out of government. It's as if allowing prayer to God at public meetings or in public schools is good and keeping it our is bad. History tells us just the opposite. Keeping religion at arm's length is good for our country. 

No matter how small Christianity becomes there will still be efforts to inject it into our government. And, there may be other religions in time who want to do the same. Here's hoping the U.S. can remain a mostly secular country where everyone, religious or not, can thrive.


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