Anti-Abortion Is Threatening Republican Candidates

It's almost comical that anti-abortion operatives think they can threaten to withhold endorsements from Republican candidates and gain ground politically. Anti-gay groups did this for decades and look where it got them. Gay marriages are on the front page.

There are rational operatives within the abortion cult. One is taunting those who have a pure anti-abortion stance and ridiculing the view that getting nothing is better than a more accommodating view and getting 60%. Of course, so much of the various anti-abortion groups believe the others practice heresy. In fact, it does not make much sense to claim abortion is murder and then support various circumstances where abortion is legal. Once one falls into the false religious notion that one cell is a human being it will never be possible to have a rational view of abortion. It also will make the political movement a hapless failure.

For anti-abortion groups to think they can black mail Republican candidates shows their lack of clear thinking. If a candidate thinks he/she is going to lose anyway, the smart strategy is to prepare for some future run. Selling out for a losing campaign is a lose-lose strategy. I can imagine a sales pitch like this: We are demanding that you support a nationwide ban on abortion. Yes, this will harm your vote count. But without our endorsement you will lose by an even larger margin. Anti-abortion needs to offer something besides a lost election.

 I think we will see before long a Republican running for high office taking a stand in favor of abortion rights. Nikke Haley is saying everyday a national abortion ban will not work. Doug Burgum, as I understand, has said something like this. I predict national and many state Republicans will be hurt by promising to stop abortions. It's clear anti-abortion hurt the Party in 2022. 

The Republican Party today is full of people/groups making threats against itself. Trump has made threats against those he does not think paid him adequate honor. Add to that anti abortion groups threatening to hold back their endorsements and you have a good poker game. 


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