A Catholic Bishop Wants to Send Every College Freshman a Bible

This Bishop's ploy illustrates how far leaders in the faith are missing the mark. To think this ancient writing with what modern thinking finds are absurd stories and conclusions converts people is a good indication of a losing cause.

There is one thing worth noting in the story about sending out all these Bibles. The Bishop notes that by the age of 20 only 20% of young people hold onto the faith. This number of 20% was quoted by a prominent young preacher in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. If one is speculating on the future of the faith this provides a window.

Taking 20% for about three generations brings the numbers in nearly all denominations down to 20% of their current numbers. Most denominations have been bleeding numbers for several years. The 20% applies to the current size, not the larger size of the 1970's.

For example, the Missouri Synod now claims about 1.8 million members. In a few decades it will be 360,000 or about half the size of today's small Evangelical Covenant Church. The latter has been growing but I don't see how it can escape the downturn.

We all know the Giddeons have been putting Bibles in hotel rooms for maybe a century. In spite of all those Bibles the Bible reading and Christian identifying public has been shrinking. Do the Bishop not read these well-known statistics? As an aside, I've notices some hotel rooms no longer have the Bibles.

I've been on the campus when the Giddeons were passing out Bibles to students walking by. The next trash can was full of them. I always wondered if the Giddeons fished out the Bibles and gave them out somewhere else.

I would guess the Giddeons and the Bishop still attract quite a bit of money. Plenty of people will send money to a lost cause so long as it pushes the right emotional button. The Bible pushes these buttons.

Local food pantries always need money and have good records of honesty. I'd suggest money spent on Bibles that end up in the trash could be better donated there.


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