What to do When Jesus is Silent (make up stuff)

When I saw an essay that bragged the writer knew how to decide the Christian view when Jesus said nothing about the issue, I thought this is what I want to know. It was nonsense. In essence, a Christian is supposed to use current prejudices and societal norms and attribute them to some divine source. 

The writer said a Christian was to decide the correct Christian view by consulting with the Holy Spirit. Are we to believe the imaginary Holy Spirit will advise a Christian to believe something altogether different from what he/she was taught as a child and that view stayed during an entire lifetime? If one was taught homosexuality is weird and a mortal sin and the person hated it his entire life will the Holy Spirit come along and rule the exact opposite? 

For reasons any rational person can understand, the Holy Spirit agrees with most everything each person is thinking. How could this be otherwise when the Holy Spirit was born in the mind of a person and never left the room? The Holy Spirit will agree with the teachings of a person's denomination because the person was trained in the denomination.

We can be certain many a preacher told white congregations during slavery the Holy Spirit loved slave holders. After that, it was approval of segregation. No doubt the Holy Spirit hated interracial marriage. Let's guess at what the Holy Spirit hates today? That's right, trans.

My friend, author an American Baptist preacher Howard Bess, said he studied the Bible for his entire life and never understood what is meant by "The Holy Spirit." There seems little doubt the clever authors of the Bible needed some god when God and Jesus did not come down clearly on their side. Thus, the link author explains that when Jesus is silent on issues, like interracial marriage, gay and trans, one doesn't need to conclude there is no Christian view. The Holy Spirit is there to reinforce prejudices and cultural bias when Jesus says nothing. 

I think the growing number of "nones," no religious preference or no religion, is evidence these self serving concepts such as justifying prejudices by blaming them on non existent gods are becoming less popular.


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