San Francisco Presbyterian Church Hosts Drag Queens
You gotta love San Francisco. A Presbyterian church which has been going for 150 years and is on the National Historic Register decided enough bashing of drag queens was enough. The church welcomed and honored one of the most enduring forms of performance art in the history of human beings. It hosted a drag queen story hour for all ages. Not to be undone by the Bible waving protesters outside the church, a prayer of thanks to God for the gift of drag was given.
Religious conservatives preached against interracial marriage for decades. Oh, the sin of mixing the races. God met for them not to be mixed by placing different races on different continents. After many decades and eventually threats to the collection plate it was decided to drop mixed marriages from the list of absolute taboos.
But, what next? Something had to move into its place. Homosexuality fit the bill. Jerry Falwell brought in a lot of money for the Moral Majority hammering away at his sin. But, alas, the Moral Majority eventually closed its doors. Gay marriage was run up the flag. It is now legal.
Some sin had to move up to keep the coffers full. The one chosen is gender uncertainty. Lots of children and adults find themselves gender uncertain. What better candidate of the new sin than this. Christian sites are full of outrage that there are people who are uncertain about their gender. Or worse, they have decided they are of a different gender than they were assigned by birth. This is a headliner sin.
These "sin projects" work best when there is a clear villain to demonize. Anti-abortion worked best when abortion doctors could be demonized. A few were killed. Now that the truth has come out, abortions are decisions by women, not doctors, the sin project has become more complicated. Money is not available like it used to be.
So, the gender sin did not work well when young people explained they had these feelings of gender that did not conform. Such beautiful kids were not good villains. Then the anti-sin operatives got another idea. Why not link drag queens to childhood tender uncertainty? The drag queens can be vilified and our money problems are over. So, drag queens have been the featured villains for many months.
Thank goodness for San Francisco and the enlightened Presbyterian Church there. It has stopped forward to honor and defend the harmless and wonderful art form called drag.
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