When This Period of History is Viewed by Future Generations
An evangelical columnist made clear his own personal version of the overriding issue in Christianity. He wants rules about how a family is to be managed. He has no doubts of his own righteousness. He is a walking talking example, in Catholic, Protestant, liberal and conservative Christianity as to why it is slipping in popularity.
I am certain fifteen-twenty years from now pundits and historians will look back at this decade and conclude this is when Christianity switched from being a force of good for U.S. and Western societies and became a source of harm. There have always been harmful branches of the faith but what was considered "good" crowded out in the public's mind what was bad. Today, the bad is crowding out what is or was thought to be good. Christianity is undergoing a change to being a force of bad in the public's perception.
During our country's history, Christianity has been used to justify slavery, segregation, second class status for women and anti gay. Yet, beginning with our founding fathers, there was a belief that the faith encouraged lawful and productive behavior. Many of the founding fathers were not devout or were not at all Christian. But they saw the faith as something good for the country.
About the time my grandparents were born, there were still public auctions of slaves. There was a big slave auction house in the middle of Washington, D.C. Babies were sold out of their mother's arms, never to be seen again. Perhaps the Quakers who opposed slavery represented only a small part of Christianity but loomed large in the perception of "good" about the faith. In a sense, they drowned out the bad.
Today, I don't see a modern version of the Quakers. That is, there is not a branch of the faith taking public risks to defend women's right to abortions nor the rights of gay people or trans people to marry and join the rest of society in living lives they aspire to live.
Instead, the "good" associated with the faith has become increasingly small and the "bad" grown by leaps and bounds.
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