Trump Telling Religious Leaders Privately to Tone it Down

According to anonymous reports Trump is attending regular gatherings of prominent preachers on the right, either in person or by ZOOM, where he warns them not to stray from his candidacy. He also says the Republican Party is being killed by the abortion issue and advises the preachers to stress the exceptions that allow some women to get abortions rather than that fewer can obtain them. 

Trump is light on intellectual horses. He cannot understand that telling an anti-abortion zealot future elections will be hard to win if women are prevented from abortions is like talking to a stone. The zealot simply does not hear these words. What the zealot hears is a foreign and indecipherable language. 

This inability to comprehend political reality was voiced by one of the participants in these sessions of religious leaders with Trump. The anonymous leader said he was really disappointed with the Trump visit. This fellow wanted to hear what Trump was going to do in his next term to eliminate abortions entirely. Instead, Trump pivoted to what he has already done, his Supreme Court placements. Trump assumes, incorrectly, those appointments were enough to gain permanent loyalty from anti-abortion zealots. The zealots in turn cannot understand why Trump would not understand he must promise even more to get their support today. 

I can see most of the anti-abortion mob going to another candidate. They are much more concerned about themselves than loyalty or appreciation for favors done. There is no such thing as "let's do something practical,"

It's much the same across all of Christianity. Though its most ridiculous claims hurt its credibility and ultimately its numbers and influence, the claims remain because they give a sense of superiority. 

If Trump appears to be losing either the nomination or the election, count on him to abandon his old anti-abortion stance. 


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