The Trail from John Birch Society to Fox News
Fox News made millions by providing viewers with lies they wanted to hear. It was the ultimate profit driven news model. The John Birch Society is not in the news anymore, it became so extreme it could not hang onto its clientele. We learned from the latter President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a Communist. There were communists behind every rock and bush. The lies of the John Birch Society were like the lies of Trump and Fox News.
We've all seen the news that Fox News paid about $800 million of the Dominion voting machine company for saying the 2020 election of Biden was crooked. This amount is astounding. Even if lawyers are paid say $300 million, Dominion will be left with $500 million. Its entire net worth is only around 80 million.
I admit Democrats have told lies. Lyndon Johnson's "Gulf of Tonkin" was a big one. But Democrats don't seem to have the stomach Republicans do for big and sustained lies. The John Birch Society believed apparently Communism was such a huge threat huge lies were necessary to stop it. Looking back, it never was the danger it was portrayed to be. Liberals knew the Birchers and their friends were lying but the lies were so frequent and fit the times so well the truth could not turn back the tide.
It would be kind to give Trump a pass on lying because what most of us think of the truth is a strange and foreign notion to him. A difference between lying and the truth is something that simple does not register in his brain. I've come to see this trait in a man here in my condo.
We now know the staff and news personalities at Fox news did not have this trait, which we might call an abnormality. They sent emails to each other talking admitting they knew the election of Biden was honest and Trump lost. It was these admissions that cost Fox almost $800 million.
Even the currently popular "dangers" of trans are lies, a pattern tracible back 50 years to the Birch crazies. Use of rest rooms, men in drag and educational material helping young people understand there are various versions of gender will be shown in time to be the same kind of lies as fraud in the 2020 election.
you do like to call out the liars of this world, but you do so very, very selectively. how about Biden. maybe, just maybe he tells whooper now and again. or is he so far gone that he no longer knows the difference between truth and fiction. oh and there's the pro-abortion crowd.