Women are Driving Across Several States to Reach Abortion Clinics

News about how women in backward states are finding their way to progressive ones to get abortions keeps coming in. A new bit of information is how busy small border towns with clinics have become since the overturn of Roe. Some towns need more motels to serve patients. Women are driving over 500 miles to get abortions.

Women who can afford plane tickets fly to clinics often many states away that are near airports. Our clinic in Fargo just moved a few minutes east out of Fargo and into Moorhead. It is only 15 minutes from the airport and is seeing some patients who fly in.

I've read clinics all over the U.S. are seeing patients from Texas. That is predictable because Texas has a population of 30 million. Compare that to some 700,000 in N.D. and four million where I live, Iowa. That would mean at least 30 times as many abortions in Texan as in ND. Now that Texas is discouraging abortions it means many clinics in other states will be busy with only patients from Texas. Several states  will have new clinics. If the new prohibitions are effective we will see a rise in the number of per woman in Texas. Young women have been leaving California and some have moved to Texas so this should mean the demand for abortions has risen. If the number of births per woman does not go up or even continues to fall it has to mean women are having abortions other places of from pills. Women in South Texas, of course, can get abortions in Mexico. 

In other countries where abortions have been banned, the number of births per woman has not gone up. Women either practices better birth control or found abortions somewhere. This has led to the public getting fed up with anti-abortion laws and repealing them. I expect that to happen eventually in states like ND and all across the South. 


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