Trump is Making Democrats a Secular and Successful Party
A few years ago, I was knocking on doors for Democrats when a red faced angry man shouted, "I'm not a Democrat, I'm an American. Republicans are Americans." I suppose he meant Republicans are Christians and this is the only real American.
Those of us who do not believe such bull $hit are helped by moral failures among Christian Republican preachers and politicians. Priests and preachers rung up for sexual issues have helped. Secret gay Republicans being exposed have helped. But no one can help our side moral than the lying money-grubbing Donald Trump. Some Christian leaders are trying to throw him under their bus. But that will not work because he has out maneuvered them. They can express their doubts but there will be no competitors. They have burned their bridges with Democrats and left themselves with only this buffoon. Even the Christian right has to know Trump is not a believer. He was used as a tool for what they wanted.
There is an old saying in politics that going to voters are reminding them of what you have done for them during your career will not carry the day. It does not answer the question, "What have you done for me lately?" This latter question is what the religious right is asking Trump. Yes, back when he was President he appointed anti-abortion judges. But the right now asks, "What have you done for us lately?" Neither Trump nor the religious right has a loyalty DNA.
While evidence is there will not be a mass exodus from the Republic Party to Democrats, the last election shows voters are the margin do make a difference. Circumstances were set for Republicans to run the table. They did not do as well as predicted. Those who claim to know what happened say the Republican Party's endorsement of anti-abortion was an important variable.
With Trump as the Republican Presidential candidate, we will hear often from him what a force he was in overturning Roe. Democrats are helped by this message. We can only hope he is the candidate and reminds women why in many states they are driving across several states to get abortions.
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