The Latest Drama on the Right: Drag Queens are Destroying our Society

How many things that "will destroy our society" has the right run up the flagpole in the last few decades? It was a gay partner sharing health care benefits like a heterosexual spouse will ruin marriage. And, gay children in schools will turn others gay. Then, trans children using the wrong rest rooms will cause rape. Books about two fathers or two mothers would make the entire society gay. In 1984 when I, as a Mayor, signed the first Gay Rights Proclamation thousands said the city would be swamped with gay people. The current thing that will bring down our society is "men who dress as women."

Maybe the field of study called sociology and its similar field, anthropology, would help. There we would learn some societies have very strict rules on how people dress and others do not. We would learn that societies which adopted the Christian religion are quite hung up about "men who dress as women" but the culture does not have rules against "women who dress as men." 

I put these terms in quotes because what is meant is not clear. Men can wear skirts if they are playing bagpipes. They can wear long flowing dresses if they are clergy. But, if they wear garish make up along with skirts and high heels that is a dangerous risk to children. Wait, even that is OK if a man is in show business. Stars like Prince can wear heals and make up and are not a threat to the gender identity of children. 

It is claimed the Bible condemns homosexuality in men. No one claims it condemns the same in women. Dressing "in drag" is not a threat to children's sexual identity if women wear what some in the culture would consider "men's clothing." Most of those who think men in drag are a threat to children's sexual identity do not think women wearing men's clothing is a threat.

The link outlines a conspiracy theory: Men in drag do this to erase all gender identity. Yes there may be drag men who have that motive. None of the men I know who perform in drag have that motive. All these drag performers consider their performance an art. They work to perfect it. Some make money at it. Their circle of friends help each other improve. I once sat next to three judges adjudicating a drag contest.

The religious right wants to control everyone else's behavior. They will find new dramas soon and move on.


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