The Anti Abortion Goal: Push Women Down Even Further

Some many who call themselves anti-abortion think its politics is the same as their own. They think it is about being kind and helpful to women who see giving birth as beyond what they can handle. Toward that end they promise to provide a few diapers. Will that offset the $200,000 it takes to raise a child?

Those naive about forcing birth often think is has something to do with Christianity. A recent poll shows it is not about theology, it's about politics. In today's conservative Christian world, people decide which theological view is correct by whether the advocate is anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage and for Trump. Justification for forced birth comes from politics, not from the Bible.

The other naive and dangerous view is that overturning Roe and putting anti-abortion in some states has accomplished the movement's goal. What the real goals are is now starting to show up. Forced birth is not about compassion, it is about punishment. A clever deception took place when forced birth claimed its goal was to overturn Roe. Now we are seeing that was not its goal. Its goal is to punish women.

How will it accomplish this goal. A growing body of thought is forced-birth and Trump's reinstatement as President will take place without democracy. Trump is calling for a citizen army. He may well get one. Certainly, he has called for violence. Some people were killed on Dec. 6th and now Trump is talking about another event like that one. 

Using laws and citizen monitoring of other citizens was the way Communists kept control of its citizens. Neighbors would report on neighbors. This is precisely what the forced birth laws call for in Texas and Mississippi. By having religious people spy of their neighbors, Communists believed, everyone could be controlled. Forced birth operatives thought that sounded like a good idea. And they knew anti abortion zealots would follow.

While the truth about the intentions of forced birth operatives is slowly becoming recognized, it is not happening fast enough.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          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  1. The pro-abortion crowd like Jon never think of the consequences of sex other than the immediate pleasure it brings. Somehow, they feel as if they have been deceived or tricked if they become pregnant. Naturally, someone who has been deceived only thinks of the most expedient way to eliminate their alleged $200,000 burden (Jon's number). That way is the selfish way - abortion. Abortion kills the burden (we call it child). If it wasn't a child, it wouldn't take $200,000 to take care of "it". Jon made the mistake of acknowledging the pregnant woman is carrying a human being.

    Forced birth is interesting semantics. I suppose the corollary is forced life for those of us who made it past birth. Is the government making me and my wife take care of and pay for our children by declaring they are forced lives for which I and she are responsible for?!?! Semantics has a way of taking simple concepts and making them hideous. Hitler declared Jews to be sub-human in order to justify their extermination. Certain slave-owners did the same to Blacks. There are many more examples.

    There is a certain empathy for Jon, the same empathy I feel for Biden. Dec. 6th?!? I thought the date was Jan. 6th or did I miss a big event from a previous Dec. 6th?

    Trump calling for violence, a citizen army or ascendency to his second term without an election is just more of the lunatic lies we have come to expect from Jon and the deranged left. The only person who died on January 6th, 2021 at the US Capitol was an unarmed woman who had not entered the Capitol building. However, the facts about the loss of life from Antifa, BLM and other so-called peaceful protesters are glossed over, dismissed and ignored. Even the recent homicide of a young man by someone who describe him as a Republican extremist seems to suggest that the young man had it coming to him because of his politics! The Democrat gubernatorial candidate in Georgia has gone on record stating that fetal heartbeats are man-made by white Republican men in order to sway the abortion debate!

    Forced birth operatives? It seems Jon is hellbent on proving he has lost his marbles. He sort of reminds me of our current president.

    1. Matt -- "Semanitics has a way of taking simple concepts and making them hideous." Amazing how often it is people criticize others and cannot take the log out of their own eye. A logical and rational person sees removal of part of a woman's body a private event that is no business of anyone else. The religious zealot sees the "simple concept" and makes it hideous.

    2. Thanks Matt.
      Forced birth, forced life, abortion, come to the same end. Women are superhuman. Best to stay out of their business. The inForum website reported authorities said their investigation into the death of that fine young man did not appear to verify the statements of the perpetrator. At six weeks we’re talking embryos, not fetuses. There is no fetal heartbeat then. There is no “heart”. The fact-exempt, tax exempt, above the law, orange jesus is a forced birth operative. Interesting you have “a certain empathy” for Jon and Dark Brandon. You can really understand how they feel. Aging can be a bugger. Who said Catholic sympathy is pity? I don’t recall.


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