President W. Bush Once Said the Climate is Not Changing
When George W. Bush became a candidate on a stage larger than Texas, he began by talking about issues the same way they had been talked about in Texas. There were so many. The U.N. was part of the "new world order." Another was the idea our climate was changing was a liberal hoax. Quickly some of his staff, I remember reading, told him the climate really was changing and he best not say otherwise.
I can imagine the message the climate really is changing has not reached some places in Mississippi. Jackson, MS,'s water system has been shut down several times because of large rains and its age. I haven't heard of any politician say the climate is not changing recently but it must have been said regularly up until now.
The metro area of Jackson is about five times as large as Jackson itself. About 4/5th of Jackson is black. Household income is: Jackson 39,000, Mississippi $45,500 and U. S. $67,500. Mississippi has the lowest income and the worst health care in the U.S.
The link tells us when rains fall in Southern U.S., rain events will average 1/3 more than they were previously. We can reason any locations that were close to flooding before are now ripe for trouble.
Resistance to believing in climate change, laws against abortion and terrible health care go with lots of religion and the Republican politics of lower taxes. While white voters swamp black voters in number, backward thinking on these issues are popular in the white South. Even though a poor state, it has the resources to fix the flooding and water system in Jackson and other poor cities. It's politics and culture are left over from the time of segregation. Now climate change is pulling back the vinier of the Old South and exposing its impossible governance. Most of those going without safe water and those needing abortions are black. The Old South knows who should have safe water and safe abortion, white people who can get these elsewhere, and who should go without.
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