Franklin Graham Hates You Even During His "God Loves You" Tour
Franklin Graham sometimes tries to pretend he is his father, Billy, who projected a wise and fatherly image. But the real Franklin, who bitterly condemns women, gay people and political liberals, comes shining through. He pretends he is his father Billy by calling his present U.S. preaching tour the "God Loves You" tour. When asked about the protestors who often put on protest demonstrations at his events he unloads on them.
I see that his tour includes "advance staff," people who come to the community days before the event to make arrangements and tell about what to expect. I remember our church in Fargo was visited by an advance guy before some traveling evangelist came to town. It might have been Billy Graham. He told local churches they should be prepared to big crowds the Sunday after the event. People are so affected they start coming to church. I never heard our church had extra visitors, maybe I wasn't even there myself. Now, however, the impact of Billy Graham has long since come to nothing as four or so churches close every day in the U.S. I doubt Franklin Graham will bring any new people to church. He is hoping church people bring him some money.
Graham says the reason he is doing the tour is so many people want their sins forgiven. I don't understand why his coming to a city will make more sins forgiven. Even if one believed this was possible why would one think Franklin had anything to do with it.
Billy and now Franklin talk big about sin. Sin, of course, in central to Christianity so it is a favorite topic for preachers. Reality is the sand of sin is constantly changing. A preacher has to keep his/her ear to the ground to learn which sin is on the upswing and which is being preached about by competitors.
I've always had the impression Franklin is always on the prowl to pick a fight about sin. Forgiving sinners is not part of his DNA. He says he lived a sinful life as a teenagers but eventually found Jesus. It's a good thing he found Jesus because it no doubt increased his income. Several of the Graham children might have like to become Billy II but Franklin's sharp elbows put kept them outside.
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