Christians Practicing Witchcraft

There is a steady trickle of people writing that what are called "nones," those who claim no affiliation with any Christian faith, are not really "ex Christians." Instead, their argument goes, they are still Christians but practicing the faith outside organized religion. 

I'm sure there are many, millions, of such people. However, there are also those who stay within organized Christianity who hold religious views so far from orthodoxy you can't see it from here. Such people do not refer to themselves as "nones" but consider themselves Christians, or at least members of long-standing denominations. 

The link is about such a person. She had a painful illness that baffled doctors. She prayed asking for relief. Her prayers and visits to doctors led nowhere. Then she encountered a form of energy from another spiritual source and received treatment an unorthodox kind of medicine. From these she found help and practices a form of worship which falls under the category of witchcraft. Some of the rituals use phrases from the Bible so she continues to consider herself an Episcopalian. 

Those who combine Christianity and witchcraft use passages from the Psalms. One practitioner says, "Witches continue to find news ways to connect with the ancient past."

Magic in the spiritual life refers to encountering some kind of energy or power from an invisible force. People sometimes find this while they are practicing Christianity but at the same time searching outside its boundaries. The people who do this might answer a poll as being "Christian" but their faith practice is anything but orthodox. 

Practicing something called witchcraft within Christianity is one of the many aspects of religion which makes it an interesting topic.


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