Catholic Churches/Pro Life Suffer the Vandalism They Fomented

I will never forget a chilling interview I watched decades ago. Dr. Tiller, the doctor who performed abortions, had just been shot in the back of the head in church and killed. A reporter was interviewing a pro-life activist and asked her if she thought killing Dr. Tiller was OK? Her reply was that it was not OK but people who help make abortions available need to learn this murder is one of the consequences. In other words, to her, it really was OK. The clinic that performed abortions in Fargo, ND, was set on fire at least twice. 

Now that religious groups have moved to take rights from women, they are experiencing the same thing from people whom I assume believe in the right to abortions. As is said, what goes around comes around.

When I was a mayor, the clinic asked to more police protection of their property. The police department was sympathetic but pointed out their responsibility was primarily to keep the street and sidewalk open and accessible to the public. They gave suggestions to the clinic on how to keep their building more secure. The clinic went to considerable expense to put in place these suggestions. While there have been no murders done by abortion rights advocates, vandalism should stop. In the meantime, "pregnancy centers", right wing churches and such need to do what abortion clinic have had to do, spend their money beefing up their own security.  

Many right-wing politicians are getting smarter. They have dropped from their websites and speeches "killing babies" and replaced it with their commitment to women. This never includes abortion rights, however. Maybe preachers, priests and other anti-abortion schemers will figure out something similar. Could it be anti-abortion churches will put on their church signs, "Abortion is not a big deal to us." And maybe anti-abortion resident centers will put signs up, "No prayers or Christian indoctrination here." Of course, the latter cannot happen because the only reason for inviting pregnant women into these places is to indoctrinate them with Christianity.

Vandalism is not good. I wish pro-life people had never started it.


  1. indoctrinate them with Christianity! that's a good one. I suppose you think that anyone who counsels againt abortion is some kind of Christian fanatic. truth of the matter, you think wrongly (seems to be a bad habit of yours). for my part, I think of pregnancy centers as charitable organizations. sorry about that.

  2. Anonymous (tsm) "I think of pregnancy centers as charitable organizations." Charities of who? They are charities of propaganda organizations. They exist to spread propaganda. How about doing this experiment: "All pregnancy centers would pledge to not pray, mention or refer to religion or anti-abortion propaganda. They would pledge only to care for women and the babies given birth in their facilities." Donations would come to a halt. These centers are not there to take care of women, they are there to spread propaganda

  3. Anon: one does not respond to bigoted rants except to say that to do so is a waste of time. that said, here's one for Jon. you interpreted the pro-life lady's remarks as an implicit excuse for murder. so how about your remarks as an implicit justification for vandalism. after all, they had it coming didn't they? eh?


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