Pete Buttigieg Nails the Question of Third Trimester Abortions

Chris Wallace recently pressed Pete Buttigieg to say Buttigieg would be OK with third trimester abortions. Buttigieg gave an answer that has gone all over the world. It is an answer that will enrage holier-than-thou-anti-abortion cult members. Even though the interview has been covered by major news sites and is all over social media, it has not appeared on Perhaps all religious sites have avoided publishing it.

Buttigieg pointed out that when a woman is in the third trimester of a normal pregnancy, she intends to give birth. One would expect a name for the child has been considered and the equipment and room for a baby has been acquired. When something happens that brings up the choice of terminating the pregnancy or going forward with huge risks, complications or difficulties, who should be making the decision?

If we ranked in order the possible people/institutions who should make the decision, there can be no doubt the person with the most in the game should make the decision. Of course, that is the woman. 

The next in line, quite a way back, might be individuals or institutions who weigh the religious, philosophical and political aspects of the decision. This would be religion or some other philosophical group or organization. These would be far back because none would have the responsibility of dealing with the long-term consequences.

Even further back, Buttigieg notes, is government. The very last and worst institution to deal with these circumstances are politicians who serve their own interests to the decision.

Why would anti-abortion zealots want government to make such decision when at another time government may well force the opposite decision? Of the three parties that might make the decision, the worst one is government. Yet, anti-abortion operatives insist that is their first choice. As Buttigieg said, the very best source of the decision is the woman herself.


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    1. tsm "it's up to the woman...(sarcasm)" You are an advocate for a political system that does not believe individuals should have rights. Women, legal citizens of our country, in your view should have fewer rights or no rights. You love the state, it should decide all matters pertaining to the individual. The system you love, my friend, has a name. It is communism. (Please don't follow your usual practice of deleting you comment as you normally do when you laid bare your lack of depth in the topic.)

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    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. tsm -- Gosh, I didn't mean to get you all excited. All I did was post that communists want the state to have decision-making authority, not the individual. Anti-abortion zealots like yourself are more than similar, your views are identical. Maybe you are needing some time to reflect and see I am correct.

  2. “So even if the fetus is a person, even if the fetus is a separate human life—even then, a woman cannot be coerced to give her body over to it against her will.”

  3. When all you men get pregnant you can reply.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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