More Tricks to Hide Women's Medical Information are Needed
We are re entering a place we have been at various times in our country. Slavery was the time of the underground railroad. Slavery was a terrible injustice. Yet, it was the law in some states. The only path to justice was defying the law. Both idealistic white people and daring black people allowed thousands of slaves to escape.
We were at the same place with prohibition. The will and wherewithal to defy prohibition were so powerful the law was all but ignored. It gave rise to an industry of crime along with death and destruction.
No doubt, some branches of law enforcement in some states will actively try to stop abortions. Law enforcement can subpoena all kinds of information and/or it can buy reams of data from companies that collect it. How will women who want an abortion or simply want to have that option available hide their personal health data from law enforcement? I predicted ten years ago that when a woman claimed a miscarriage law enforcement would look at her phone or computer. It would look for evidence the woman contacted an abortion clinic or even looked information about abortions. Now there are news accounts of this actually happening. Our country has become the book "1984" in real time.
I've read advice is being passed around among women to not use their phones or computers for many of the mundane things they did before. If a woman wants a pregnancy kit, best not to order it on-line nor to buy it over the counter using her credit card. All and every aspect of reproduction must be guarded with the utmost secrecy. If it is known a woman is pregnant a miscarriage will put her on the list of women to be investigated. This is already happening.
Will doctors turn private and personnel health information over to law enforcement so that miscarriages can be investigated? There is some chest beating saying no, they will not. Yet, there is no way to predict who will and who will not.
Women need more than ever before a way to connect with each other and with women-friendly health professionals without allowing their private information to leak into the hands of law enforcement.
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