Israel Becomes More Pro Choice Than Ever
As the U.S. Court turns to the right on abortion, the rest of the world is turning left. Several countries that did not allow abortion have legalized it and now Israel has taken down some of the barriers.
About 20,000 abortions take place in Israel now each year. An obstacle has been each woman has had to appear before a committee and reveal the private reasons for an abortion. This requirement has now been abolished. Some parts of the requirements are still required and can be completed on-line. The objective, according to a health officer, is to make abortion a private matter more available to women. The health official said the liberalization came to Israel as a result of the backwards step in women's rights taken by the Supreme Court.
Here in the U.S. various things are happening which are making abortions more accessible even while Roe has been overturned. Some states like California are using state funds to provide abortions. There is a long list of companies providing financial support for employees needing them. While some clinics are closing in conservative states they are opening up new ones in other states. States that have or will ban abortions have been successful in harassing women by making abortion more difficult to find. They have not abolished abortion. How much it has or will be reduced abortions is not known.
I have seen on religious sites Jewish posters who claim abortions are against the Jewish faith. Others have posted the opposite. That abortion has been made more available in the "motherland" makes it difficult to believe the faith is strongly anti-abortion.
The link did not reveal the answer a question I've wondered about. How often do the committees which have reviewed abortions rule against it? With 20,000 permitted a year it seems like few have been turned down. Maybe appearing before these committees is a wink-wink ritual that mostly just approves.
One thing is for sure. Abortions are available in Israel.
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