Can a Ten Year Old Get an Abortion in Ohio?

She was just passed the deadline for abortions. So, the answer was NO, she could not have an abortion in Ohio. She is getting one in Indiana. This is the cruel and pointless world of anti-abortion politics. The ten-year-old doesn't count for anything. The zero-year-old is more important than any ten-year-old. 

It's time to recognize anti-abortion for what it is, cruel and heartless. As a pundit noted, "Those protesting in front of clinics have a mouthful of scripture and a heart full of hate."

I suppose there are know-it-all anti-abortion goons out there who would say, "Gosh, that 10 year old should have known she could become pregnant. She should not have had sex. She needs to be forced to give birth and raise that child. She needs help? No, she needs to grow up, get a job and take care of herself. Public assistance will turn her into a freeloader."

As an aside, one wonders how Indiana would have abortion available when its Governor was Mike Pence? 

Children get pregnant. Women are raped and get pregnant. Women whose health does not advise pregnancy get pregnant. Women who are abused, mentally and physically, and who did not want to have sex with the abuser get pregnant. In anti-abortion politics, none of these circumstances are important in the least. What is important is the ability of men to control women. And, in some cases, women to control other women. 

I recall reading book by the son of televangelist Jim Bakker. The son, Jay, is a preacher but a more liberal and enlightened one.  He wrote he tries to remind himself that the religious ideas he puts into people's heads can be powerful and he best not take advantage. 

If only the anti abortion group could see the damage their religious ideas cause women there would be hope they would spend their money and time on something more positive. We can all agree, this will not happen soon. Not when a 10-year-old is forced to go out of state for an abortion.



  1. The rapist is an illegal immigrant. If he had not entered the USA illegally, the girl would have never been raped.

    1. Anonymous--"the girl would never have been raped." Rape is ALWAYS the woman's fault in right wing religion. In this case you are saying it was the ten year old's fault.

  2. "Ohio Attorney General David Yost said Ohio state law would not have prevented the 10-year-old from receiving an abortion. It remains unclear why the girl went to Indiana for the procedure."

    Check your facts before writing :).

    1. Anonymous--"Check your fact before writing." It is you who needs to check facts. First of all, anti abortion political hack Yost first dismissed the entire case of rape. Apparently he thought sex with a ten year old was consensual. Then he changed his mind when he thought it politically expedient.

      Second, Ohio law make no exception for rape. A woman can start through several steps to apply for permission to get an abortion under an exception to prevent a patient's death or a serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impartment of a major bodily function. The Newsweek site an expert thought the 10 year old would have been unsuccessful in an application for an abortion in Ohio. Besides that, it would have taken considerable time further reducing her odds of success. (Your post was so misleading, poorly researched and steeped in propaganda I almost dumped it. Here's hoping you improve.)


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