Why is God Different for Every Gereration

The talk show host, preacher and frequent contributor to Christian Post, Michael Brown, wrote the truth recently. He said every generation has to have a personal experience with the faith for it to survive. He notes correctly that interest in the faith ebbs and flows. I have a book on my shelf that talks of the second half of the 1800's and first decades of the 1900's. There is evidence the U.S. was more secular then then it has been since. There were secular organizations and gatherings of all kinds.

Writer Brown says he found Jesus while a drug user during the hippy era. He mentions being a part of the "Jesus People" which I recall. I could not understand them then nor do I now. Anyway, this is his example. The Jesus People were young and drug users. Somehow Brown found some avenue to a "personal Savior" and has made a living from it ever since. His point is that every generation, like his, needs this personal encounter with the la la land to see a reemergence of Christianity. I don't think that is true at all. 

What Brown experienced was a religious concept that fit the culture when he was a young man. That experience is viewed with suspicion today. It does not fit today's young people. Perhaps there is some other concept or version of the faith that would fit, but nothing has shown up yet. Instead, the movement away seems to be picking up momentum. Some updated version of "Jesus People" could yet come along but it is not in sight.

One of the things that changes is what God regards as BIG sin. It was alcohol about 100 years ago. In the 1980's it was drug use. Some years after Roe it became abortion. Now it is trans. These things have existed since forever. Why is it God only gets interested when there are votes to be harvested and donations to be collected?

Michael Brown had some kind of spiritual experience in the 1970's. To him it was so real it surely will happen to other people. And it has. But it was a spiritual experienced planted in his brain by training. If today's young people have a spiritual experience it will be something different than Brown's. 

My guess is it will not be a Christian one. 


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