Roe is Overturned, Now the Right Must Face The Unresolvable Dilemma

Legislators have never quite been on the same page with abortion. When it comes to who is guilty, all kinds of answers are mumbled. It is "the abortion industry" or "the culture is guilty." One most often uttered is "the woman is not guilty; she is the victim."

The most accurate view was expressed this way, "The woman is guilty of premeditated 1st Degree Murder." This is the only view that is consistent with our current laws on murder. Honest people in "right to life" know women who plan and carry out an abortion must spend decades in prison if it is murder. The dishonest still claim it is always someone else who decided and the woman knew nothing about it. If the entire matter of who makes decisions about abortion were not so obvious and avoiding the obvious so bizarre it would all be laughable. But the dishonesty and lack of ability to face reality has always infected the anti abortion community to a degree unfathomable.  

Donald Trump himself once said in public the woman must be at least in some sense responsible. Then he received so much criticism from the dishonest political arm of anti abortion he corrected himself to say the woman is a victim and is blameless. What utter bull$hit. 

Several state legislators have tried to pass bills making the woman guilty. In at least one the charge was for 1st Degree Murder. It seems to me leaving the entire matter up to the states means federal legislation cannot be passed overruling such state laws if they were passed. My sense is state politics are becoming increasing bonkers and we will see some state put women behind bars for many years if not life.

I can understand that a majority of the Supreme Court might at some point in history, right now for example, be opposed to abortion. That a body with such power would not work out before hand who is responsible for the "crime," however, signals a court that is not living in the real world. The obvious result of putting young women in prison for abortion will turn the political tide in favor of abortion rights. That is the very reason political operatives do not advocate the woman is guilty. It has to be something or someone else that does not hurt the Republican Party. Women can hurt it.

I've lived through the civil rights period and Viet Nam war time. The country was in powerful disagreement. Eventually, we figured out both slavery/segregation and futile wars were wrong and life went on. I am confident abortion will remain available in the U.S.


  1. SCOTUS seems to be on a roll. Roe was founded on legal quicksand. Now, Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell, which legal precedence was founded in Roe, is now at best, baseless.

    Keep going.

    1. Henry - “Keep going.”
      Laws prohibiting interracial marriage are rooted in US history and tradition, and seem consistent with the concept of ordered liberty. Interracial marriage was a felony. These anti-miscegenation laws were declared unconstitutional via the 14th Amendment. “In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents … because any substantive due process decision is 'demonstrably erroneous,' we have a duty to 'correct the error' established in those precedents”, Clarence Thomas. Keep going.

    2. Very good, AB. You are picking up where entech left off. He was also fond of employing the non sequitur.

      What you picked up on was my comments on the precedence offered by Roe to Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. You focused on interracial marriage as the next step with that line of thought. However, that does not follow. The basis for interracial marriage is the 14th amendment. That is the legal precedent. The 14th amendment was not legally toppled like Roe, which removed precedent for other cases. You will have to tolerate the interracial marriages. Sorry.

      So keep going.....

  2. SCOTUS might as well keep going. On the 2020 election cert, they didn’t want the drama. As a result, “nothing to see here.” Now, they have stepped in the inner sanctum of the Democrat’s most holy of holies, the abortion issue. Now, there is so much drama SCOTUS might as well decertify the 2000 mule presidency, and send the matter back to the state legislatures to get cleared up. Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin Michigan, and Pennsylvania.


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