From Barr: Trump Not Attached to Reality? Who Else?
I wish I had a dollar for every time someone criticizing this blog has said flat out I have a mental problem--a mental illness. Apparently a sign of mental illness is not believing in imaginary beings floating about and talking to them and worse, hearing them talk back to you. The message I get from these comments is: If you don't believe in an imaginary God there is something wrong with you. For Christians, hearing voices of an imaginary friends and talking to him is not a form of mental illness.
Why would a Christian who writes everyday about his/her imaginary friend be mentally healthy while an atheist who doesn't believe such a being exists and writes about it be not healthy? Rational reasoning would suggest it is health of the former we might wonder about, not the latter.
Which bring us to the understated concern of AG Willian Barr when he was referring to former President Trump's insistence Trump had won the 2020 election. Barr "was concerned" Trump was becoming not attached to reality. Barr could have said this about several people and groups in conservative politics and conservative religion.
Here is an example of being separated from reality: The Mississippi and Texas laws claim anyone who assists in any way a woman to get an abortion is guilty of a crime. The woman who decided to get the abortion is not guilty of any crime. It is almost impossible to get further from reality than this.
Sometimes politicians become so separated from reality for such a long period of time the public itself decides reality. This happened in Chile and Ireland. Clergy and politicians repeated that since abortion was against the law there were no abortions. Voters themselves decided to provide abortion rights. I suppose to some extent this separation from reality was taking place before Roe in the U.S. In this day of more or less uncontrolled media, cell phones and social media, it will be hard for pious clergy and politicians to claim there are no abortions if there are hundreds of thousands.
Barr's observations about Trump were echoed by several others close to Trump. His own daughter was carful but said she agreed with Barr that the election of Biden was legitimate. If only Republicans who are not separated from reality had taken over the Presidency from Trump before Jan. 6 we would be in a better place today.
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