The Political Link Between Slavery/Segregation and Anti Abortion

There is always the question of motives in politics. Does a position urging government to do this or that have behind it a valid source of idealism, or, is it using something that sounds like idealism for the purpose of power per se. 

The U.S. South is a case in point. It used, as we all know, religion to justify locking people away in slavery. There was some slavery in the North too but the Bible Belt has always had the reputation of coziness between conservative Biblical Christianity and slavery. They were peas in a pod. It was no different during segregation. 

Today the South leads the nation in church going and spousal abuse. Is it a surprise their brand of Christianity prohibits women from being preachers and places the man at the head of the household? A Bible that preaches male domination and males who abuse females fit together like a hand in glove. 

The leading anti abortion states are the same ones that feature spousal abuse and no female preachers. Anti abortion is simply another exercise of male power over females. Power religion and power politics are a team. Instead of being "about the babies" it is about power over women. 

While a generation ago, economics was mixed up in the religion/segregation/antiabortion, today it has its aim squarely at keeping ethnic minorities from advancing. Keeping women at home caring for babies is a way to hold back women and put a family financial rock around fathers when they remain involved in child care. What more clever ruse is there but bringing up religion to justify putting the brakes on the advancement of a demographic category of the population?

Hopefully, this period of anti abortion judicial politics will turn out to be a teaching moment about the underground intent of this brand of Christianity. Sunlight is a terrific political asset. 


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