Maybe Some in the Faith are Waking Up
A review of a recent sermon by a mega church preacher provided a hint of light. The sermon reviewed the preacher's experience talking with those who have doubts about the faith. He said doubters' minds are open to generalizations about how to live as supposedly taught be Jesus. But, doubters minds are closed to claims attributed to Jesus like "I am the one." They just don't buy the claim of exclusivity: Jesus is the only God franchise so all the God business goes through him.
I can't remember ever reading an article like this that concluded, "They just don't believe our stuff anymore." The only acceptable preaching has always been, "Shame on you who don't believe. Shape up."
It was back in 2009 Bart Ehrman's book casting doubt on who wrote the Bible was published in Newsweek. This was not new but Ehrman's ability to put doubt into play helped move along what was already happening. Highlighted was the fact no one knew, or knows to this day, who wrote the various books in the Bible. On top of that are quotes of Jesus but no one claims to have been present when he supposedly said these things. While the rest of the intellectual world was demanding double checked sources those who taught the Bible said it was heresy to question. Can it be any surprise so many today cannot swallow, "I am the one."
Polling about Christianity would be improved is pollsters would ask fewer questions like "Do you believe in God?" and more about what people believe and don't believe in the faith. A thread might be found that could be followed to expand instead of contract the faith.
How could Christians convince the public to bring back belief the Bible was written by God and contains truths found no where else? Can't be done. It started flawed and remains that way.
Nevertheless, the preacher above who has started listening to non believers is on the right track.
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