Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Catholic Bishops are Run by Satan

Is it far off the mark to say Marjorie Taylor Greene is the new Donald Trump? She has outrageous cause and effect theories, lately blaming Catholic Bishops for current problems. Catholics replace "illegal immigrants", liberals, abortion doctors, other races and so on as society's primary problems.  Catholics were big villains a few decades in the past.  Why not bring them back?

 Greene, a former or present Catholic, says the Bishops are run by Satan. She has children and says she does not want Catholic clergy near them. As to the Bishops, of course, she is referring to Bishops who protected priest abusers by constantly transferring them when local parents complained of sexual abuse. 

While Greene is certainly an off-the-wall personality, she may well be expressing something many more quiet Catholics are wondering. They are wondering how Bishops, with college degrees, experience and training could decide to move child abusers to new places where they would abuse anew? Even the "holy" Pope Benedict did it. People in the pews are saying, "I would never do that. Why did they?" The result is widespread loss of confidence to Catholic integrity. Greene does not whisper this like most Catholics, she shouts it.  

Greene goes about the accusation in a way no rational non believer would do. She evokes "Satan." Instead of just stating the truth, that Bishops and priests protect their power and self interest at the expense of children, she lets them off the hook by saying it was Satan. It wasn't Satan because there is no Satan. It was the Bishops themselves. Even if there was a Satan the same thing would have happened. 

As one pundit said, "Greene seems to have her finger on the plus of Catholics today." Apparently, some of the church hierarchy is trying to keep Greene from speaking out on this issue. There is no place for the Catholic hierarchy to hide. Abuse was tolerated. Abuse is still happening. 


  1. Heehee, not a mouse fart about the seemingly advent of the demise of Roe.

    Obsession with Catholicism is a trait shared by Satan. You two talk much about strategy?

    There is still time to confess to a priest. Don't wait. See you in a month .... maybe.

    1. Matt--"...seemingly advent of the demise of Roe."
      I'm reading a new and apparently well known book about Ireland, "We Don't Know Ourselves." The part about abortion is so much like the book "Our Bodies, Our Lives" which is about South and Central American countries when they had strict laws against abortion. In all cases there were two separate universes. One was abortions did not happen because they were illegal. The other a reality that large numbers of abortions -- everyone knew the first universe was a facade but the real one was not admitted in public. It sounds like we are headed into this pretend la la land.

  2. freethinkerjon.blogspot.comMay 4, 2022 at 6:44 AM

    It's Jon, not anonymous.

    1. freethinkerjon.blogspot.comMay 4, 2022 at 6:59 AM

      Matt--You fit the pattern perfectly of anti abortion zealots in the other countries which eventually made it legal. It is a pattern of fantasy thinking, a separation from reality. First, the fantasy there is a god that is invisible. Second, that the invisible god has said to you something about abortion (the current invisible god has never said anything about it). Third, that once a law against abortion is in place it has some significant reduction in abortion. Fourth, that women no longer die in childbirth.

      As to how it affects me personally, I'm not worried. We have six granddaughters and a great granddaughter. If any of them need an abortion we can send them anywhere in the world to get one. Anti abortion is a law against poor people getting abortions.

    2. Ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy as a result of rape or incest or sudden physical problems, or pregnancy caused by violent boyfriend, or lack of funds for healthcare, rent or food… abortion services have always been available for the wealthy but not the rest of us. And… any miscarriage could be investigated as a potential murder of something smaller than your thumb. Grandma

  3. Only 1-4? Surely you can express your dismay about post-Roe better than that! Obsession; more than a fragrance.

    1. The NYT suggested the two justices who did not tell the truth during conformation should be brought before Judiciary for lying. Post Roe is fun to contemplate.


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