How Many State Prosecutors Will Actually File Charges Against Abortions

The fantasy that post Roe courts will be filled with prosecutors and law enforcement putting women who got abortions and those who made it possible in jail will one day be put to rest. An example is the prosecutor in Virginia who says she will not prosecute.  

Everyone who has spent time around law enforcement, or any other branch of state or local governments,  knows budgets are smaller than the demand for services. Priorities are adhered to. Who or why are some things more important than others?

To at least a limited degree, priorities are decided on the basis of whomever is in charge. We have seen in the U. S. overzealous prosecutors of women who had miscarriages.  There are some women in jail who were accused of killing a fetus when they explained they had a miscarriage. The evidence left behind is nearly identical. 

If there are prosecutors who are overzealous prosecuting those who had miscarriages, it is reasonable to assume there will also be those like the one above who pledge not to prosecute any women who had either miscarriages or abortions. It only makes sense there will be some rational prosecutors who see no sense in the blind rage over a fertilized cell. In states where abortion rights polls majority but legislators and governors are nuts against it, I would expect a number of prosecutors who sit on their hands when this issue comes up. 

Ultimately, a number of prosecutors will not buy the religious view one fertilized cell is a human being. This carries with it the view that if there is crime in the streets, shootings at schools or armed bank robberies these latter crimes are less important than the life of one fertilized cell. That hissing protestors at abortion clinics or pompous priests/preachers think school shooters and bank robbers are less important does not make it so. 

There will be many twists and turns in efforts to eliminate abortions. History such as experience in countries that have or have had national laws against abortion tells us abortion will continue.    


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