Women's Rights States Will Sue Anti Women States

The chest beating goes on by states that want to outlaw abortions. Some of these states have passed laws allowing abortion clinics in other states to be prosecuted by the right to life state. Now the push back has begun. Connecticut is passing a law allowing prosecution of those who prosecute in their state. Did not Texas and other such states realize that whatever steps they did could be matched by other states? Don't the Supreme Court judges who approve of unleashing private citizens to file charges against each other know it will result in chaos and courts overflowing with whacko anti-abortion cell members? 

What we are seeing in anti-abortion politics is something we've seen since forever in politics around the world. One group decides it will reduce the rights of another group, in this case religious people taking rights away from pregnant women, and the group being pushed around pushes back. Gandhi did it in India; black people are doing it in the U.S. It is as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning.

California dove into the money part of it. That state is making funds available for women to come there for abortions. Do the back water anti-abortion states think they will push California around? Have my doubts that will happen.

The idea for the Constitutional Convention of 1817 stated with impediments to commerce between the States. Prominent people like George Washington were also businessmen. The wanted to market their products (in George's case whisky) in other states without crippling state tariffs. They conceived of a national government with the power to stop states from killing businesses in other states. While there were many other issues covered in the Constitution, that one was the most important to Washington. It has stood up over these 120 some years.

Though I would not underestimate the conservatives on this Supreme to do harmful things to the country, it seems like states setting up boundaries and not allowing commerce with other states is out of reach. The majority of this court could see the religious issue of abortion more important than any other issue in the entire country. Certainly, those who supported Trump because of his Supreme Court appointments think this is the case. 

If there is a way to make the country dysfunctional, anti-abortion cult members will find it. 


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