Why are Many Devout Christians so Blind to Modern Society

Every couple of weeks another survey result is published which concludes Christians today do not share their faith with anyone or everyone around them. That finding is following by some finger wagging and raised eyebrow that the Bible orders the faithful to spread the faith. 

During the ancient times when the new and old Testaments were written it might have made sense to talk up your particular god. From what on reads, there were itinerate odd balls roaming around talking about their imaginary friends. Maybe among community members people entertained themselves and each other about conversations with gods. 

Whatever normal behavior was back then, it did not include 24 hours TV trying to persuade and sell stuff. People, including children, are faced with so much advertising they tune it out. Schools teach critical thinking just to help kids deal with the storm of information that are exposed to.

If you are a Christian and find all this advertising and propaganda annoying, do you want to be part of the problem by annoying others? Hardly. 

We've all seen how advertisers change their message to match changing times. Today there are lots of black people in pictures and TV ad appearances. Churches are working on this, but their message is "We think you are sinning." While the sins change, the finger pointing continues the same as it has since forever. 

The Christians who do not invite friends and neighbors to church are the one tuned in to contemporary society. Those who quote the Bible and admonish other Christians to be as obnoxious as they themselves are will bring in few if any sheep to the fold. 


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