Some Republicans are Play an Old Slur Card. A Cruel One

Let's start back in the segregation days. Southerners and northern bigots said black men look with lust on white women and need to be kept away from them. Today, some conservative politicians are again repeating a similar lie about gay men. It is that they prey on children. Legislators are still saying this to justify bills against equal treatment of gay people.

There is absolutely no evidence being gay has any relationship to being a pedophile. Nevertheless, the two are lumped together for political and religious gain at every opportunity. Even commenters on this blog have said the reason there are pedophile priests is because there are gay priests. Get rid of all gay priests ane there would be no pedophiles among Catholic clergy. There is no evidence this is true. The evidence says most pedophiles are not gay. Child sexual crimes against children take place because there is not adequate supervision of priests and parents are told priests can be trusted. Legislators should look at evidence before making false statements about gay people. 

The slur card that gay men prey on children takes down careers of gay men as teachers and as professionals in other fields. They was a wonderful gay man who worked in a child care center one of our granddaughters attended. 

The religious and political right do not have a moral compass when to comes to accomplishing their political goals. One goal is to gain votes by demonizing gay people. They will do this regardless of facts to the contrary. A goal back a few decades was to gain votes by demonizing black men. Of course, we are to not bring that up anymore because it is part of Black Lives Matter and BLM is not part of U.S. history. We will learn gay lives do not matter either and someday when discrimination against gay men is in the past this history will not be allowed to be brought up either.  


  1. BSM---If you have an argument or idea to post, I'd be glad to publish it. Mostly, I'm no longer putting up "Jon, you're a jerk" comments.


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