In Russia, People for the War are Turning in Those Against it. Like Texas/Mississippi on Abortion
In Texas/Mississippi, if you know someone helped a woman by giving her a phone number of an abortion clinic or gave her a ride or $5, you can turn that person in to authorities and get a bounty fee. In Russia, the same rule applies. If you hear or hear about someone who opposes the invasion of Ukraine that person may be fined. Communist Russia or anti-abortion states are the same. Cells of citizens act federal agents are there to spy on other citizens. Both are doing it for God.
Many times on this blog, I've asked anti abortion readers to explain what rights they advocate for a woman carrying a fetus. Never has any reader suggested what rights the woman has. This reflects the entire anti abortion political operation. It is anti women. In anti abortion politics the fetus has many rights to protect it. The entire law enforcement system in on anti women alert. No public body is assigned protect of the right of women.
In communism there is a whisper system. People secretly pledge to protect the state at the expense of individuals. They are paid accordingly. To keep a regime in power all opposition needs to stepped on immediately. This is anti abortion politics as well.
This communist-like politics will work until a woman on the inside is rung up by her family, neighbor or friends. Then we will see what my late brother told me about.
My brother was a psychiatrist. In his state of Missouri there was a law years ago a psychiatrist's signature to approve an abortion. Apparently the law wanted to allow for emotional distress related to a pregnancy. My brother believed women should be able to obtain abortions so he routinely signed off on requests.
What amused him were his doctor colleagues in the medical community. He said many time other doctors told him they were strongly against abortion. But their daughters were pregnant and they saw a better future for these daughters if they received abortions. In their particular circumstances abortion was the best decision.
The next logical step after citizens spy on abortions is citizens listening into conversations. When a woman, or a man, is heard to say abortions are OK that person needs to be charged with promoting murder, as anti abortions call it. Today, if someone conspires to commit murder that person is faces charges by law enforcement. One reads occasionally about a murder for hire thwarted by detectives.
This communist-like society is what is advocated in anti-abortion politics.
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