Women Who Live in Anti-Abortion States, Move Now

I've been predicting for years women will face jail time in anti-abortion states. During this time more of it has actually happened and the framework for an anti-woman country is taking place.

It's sad to remember the devious and under handed remarks that were made on the discussion pages of my blog from day one. When I wrote it is inevitable women will go to jail because of miscarriages it was scoffed at. Paraphrasing, anti-abortion commenters said, "The tradition has been women are innocent victims when abortions are performed. Abortion clinics manipulate the minds of women."  The true colors of anti-women politics run by anti-abortion operatives are now obvious. 

The newest twist of persecuting women who had miscarriages is to run blood tests of the aborted fetuses. Any sign of drug use puts women in court for "child abuse." This has happened even when the women were taking drugs prescribed by their doctors. It has happened when the drug detected has no history of causing miscarriages. The obvious fact is, drug testing is used to charge women with crimes when it has nothing to do with the miscarriage. 

Since 2017, at least 47 women in Oklahoma have been charged with child abuse, child neglect and manslaughter because of evidence there was some drug use. In many of these cases there was not a verifiable connection between the womans use of a drug and the miscarriage. It happened when women had been through the screening and received a license to use marijuana. Three women were charged with manslaughter for showing evidence us meth use. This even though there is no evidence meth causes miscarriages. 

Between 2006 and 2016 about 500 women in Alabama were charged with manslaughter for using drugs prescribed by their doctors. Prosecutors and judges seem not interested in whether drugs women take actually cause miscarriages or the danger to women who need the approved drugs. It's simply and opportunity for local prosecutors who enjoy putting women in jail. 

It is only a matter of time before the weight of the woman will result in charges of manslaughter. After that it will be how long into a pregnancy the woman kept going to her job. Judges may come up with notions of how much exercise is required or whether pregnant women will be allowed to drive a car or fly in an airplane. 

Each woman who lives in an anti-abortion state needs an escape plan.


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