Why Can't the U.S. Christian Nationalists See Themselves in Putin

My effort to understand the ignorance of Christian nationalists started at 9/11. Then, a group of religious nationalists commandeered airlines and attacked our country in the name of their god and their countries. Surely, I thought at the time, Christian nationalists in this country will see why it is harmful to put religion into government. But, I was wrong to think they would see themselves in the Muslims flying into building. The reaction was more, not less, religion in government. Shortly afterward, President Bush addressed the nation from the (Chrisitan) National Cathedral. 

Now, Putin is appearing for photo ops next to the leading religious figure of Russian just as right wing preachers appeared over and over with President Trump. 

Putin and Trump follow a long tradition of rulers and Christian leaders being very chummy. Kings and Popes were the team. Today's version is Putin and the Russian Orthodox leader. 

I've heard over and over the criticism atheists want to "take all religion out of government." That is, for the most part, correct. Right now, Ukraine would be better off if Putin did not have 100% support from the Russian Orthodox church. If a little religion is not harmful how much is "a little" and how much it too much. Advocates of more Christianity in government never say what is too much.

This all comes back to comparing the costs and benefits of Christianity. Promoters of more Christianity always point to hospitals and say, "There would be no hospitals without Christianity." There are hospitals all over the world including in non Christian countries. The costs/harm caused by Christianity across the world is enormous. 

I suppose some in the faith will say, "Good branches of Christianity, like mine, have not caused these problems. All focus should be on the bad branches.

Certainly, there are many denominations that do not, by themselves, cause the level of harm that comes from the bad branches like Catholics and Southern Baptists. Any group, however, that promotes an invisible being that approves of some but not others play an indirect role in the bad branches. 


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