It Ain't Over Till it's Over
Anti-abortion zealots are so smug these days having passed bills allowing citizen awards for turning in people who helped women get abortions. Now they are trying to stop other states from providing abortions to women from their own state who cross borders.
A couple of academic attorneys now point out abortion rights states can put in place their own laws to protect women and those who assist them when they cross into abortion rights states. I don't understand all of it but it includes prohibition of prosecution across state lines, returning accused to the anti abortion states for arrest and other such measures.
Eliminating these cooperative law enforcement practices will possibly hinder some legitimate practices to bring accused to trial. But when one state does not protect the rights of its citizens it makes sense that enlightened states do not allow it to be practiced in their state.
This new tactic against abortion rights is every bit as peculiar as Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It is somewhere out there in la la land where a citizen's rights can be taken from her with no justification. Certainly, if there were some clear reason to decide a fetus is a human being with all rights assigned to human beings it would be understandable. But when it remains but a religious idea it is la la land.
The irony that the main force behind anti abortion zealotry is an institution, the Catholic Church, which could not muster opposition to molestation of children is notable. When crooks endorse laws you have to be suspicious from the get go.
Abortion rights are far from being taken away from women in the U.S. Opposition is from people and groups without the criminal record of the Catholic Church.
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