Christianity in the U.S. Will Battle On
A while back, a Christian author wrote that Christians should contemplate the "Benedict Option." It was an idea originated by a pope named Benedict hundreds of years ago. The faithful would no longer engage with the secular and political world but circle the wagons and keep the faith among themselves.
While the idea was scoffed at by public figures in the faith it keeps coming up again for discussion. It comes up because there is good reason to believe numbers will keep falling. Europe has fallen further than the U. S. and there is good reason to believe the U.S. will look like Europe eventually. As the analyst of a recent poll said, The younger you are the less likely you are to believe in God, describe yourself as spiritual or regularly pray.
The author of "The Benedict Option," Rod Dreher, was asked how well churches are doing in preparation for the continued decline. He replied they are not prepared nor making preparations. Instead, they talk of a revival or look for faint signs a reversal is coming. As an old joke says, the light at the end of the tunnel may be a coming train.
The only efforts to keep the faith going are those in politics. Laws called "religious freedom," for example try to allow those still in the faith to stick their fingers in the eyes of nonbelievers. As Dreher points out, if the numbers are not there for churches, they will not be there in politics either. Better would be some concept or some plan to keep the faith going when the old ways such as politics are not available.
The reality is the nature of the faith and the human mind will not allow preparation for a time when it is not important in U.S. life. Those most able to come up with strategic and appealing adjustments, such as Rod Dreher, are leaving the faith. As it becomes smaller and smaller, those remaining will be the most disliked and whacko. They will be the ones raiding the Capitol carrying flags and Bibles thinking they will take over the government.
They are unable to envision their limited space in a country that is secular.
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