Can Every Principle of Law be Abolished by Anti Abortion Groups
Missouri is trying to stop women from crossing into Kansas, Illinois and Iowa to get abortions. It is trying to stop billboards and other advertising telling women abortions are available in nearby states. These two efforts violate interstate commerce and freedom of speech. Can Missouri's crack-pot legislators get away with this?
So far, it seems they can. The majority of the current Supreme Court places their own religious views above the laws of the land.
This flaunting of laws has been going on the decades. When I was a Mayor, anti abortion protesters thought is very rational to shut down streets owned by and used by the general public if the streets went by the abortion clinic. The sidewalk was also public use right of way and they thought if perfectly OK to shut this off because they were preventing "murder." They glued themselves to the doors and other lawless behavior.
Their thinking is they are right about abortion and the other side is wrong. Therefore, they can take rights away from women and the men who support them.
Protestors got really, I mean REALLY, mad when police enforced the laws. "How could they have the right to enforce the law when we are so right."
During that period of time, there was a mentally handicapped man who was often on the streets around the downtown. He was a huge fellow and mostly good natured. Anti abortion protestors befriended him and brought him to the abortion clinic. There, they instructed him to run onto the parking lot and scream "murder, murder" at patients when the left their cars to go into the clinic. When police intervened protesters explained he should not be arrested because he didn't really understand the difference between public and private property. Police finally threatened to arrest the protesters for their role in this and it stopped. It merely illustrates how cavalier this group of people is about the rights of anyone else. No one has rights but them.
It will take time, but eventually the Supreme Court will again have thoughtful people who do not think their job is to put their own personal religious beliefs into law.
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